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Reclusive Duck Woman. Artist. Writer. GR Refugee.

Currently reading

Popular Magic: Cunning-folk in English History
Owen Davies
Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind
Graham Hancock, Rick Strassman, Roy Watling
When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World
Leon Festinger, Henry W. Riecken, Stanley Schachter
Madame Tussaud: and the History of Waxworks
Pamela M. Pilbeam

Gratuitous deaths and endless running soured the second half of the book

The Knife of Never Letting Go  - Patrick Ness

5 stars for the first half of the book. 1 star for the second. I really, really enjoyed the beginning. Loved the world and characters, especially Manchee. Then, for me, it went downhill. I found the premise that explains the motivation of the pursuing army to be flawed, and flimsy in logic. Gratuitous deaths and endless running soured the second half of the book. I doubt I'll continue the series, but I'll certainly seek out more of this author's work.